spazio collettivo / skupni prostor / collective space
Robida + Topolò/Topoluove + Rečan
dove? / kje? / where?
sotto la chiesa a Topolò / pod cerkvijo v Topoluovem / under the church in Topolò
quando? / kdaj? / when?
sabato e domenica / sobota in nedelja / Saturday and Sunday
Izba is a coworking space, small cafe, radio station, kitchen, party place, reading room.
The izba is in Topolove the room of conviviality. It is the clean room of the house, heated by the peč, the old stove made of majolica tiles, upon which children and elders used to nap, the room where tales were told and where guests felt welcome. Its opposite is the črna kuhinja, the black kitchen with the fireplace and no chimney. Inspired by the convivial inner meaning of this word, we named the new collective space of hospitality of Topolove Izba.
Curated by: Dora Ciccone and Caterina Roiatti
Graphic design by: Laura Savina
Photos by: Tanja Marmai
Izba is supported by Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.