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Open call: Robida 9 | Soil


Open call Robida 9 closed

Contributors to Robida 9
Adriana Gallo
Alecio Ferrari
Anaïs Tondeur
Angela Serino & masharu
Anna Lina Litz
Antônio Frederico Lasalvia
Beatrice Zerbato
Benedetta Ciappini
Chiara Alexandra Young
Chiara Caredda
Donatella Livigni
Eduardo Makoszay & Diego Garcia
Elena Ferrari
Emily Priest
Federico Broggini
Georgina Pantazopoulou
Gijs de Boer
Giorgia Maurovich
Hannah Segerkrantz
How Melnyczuk
Luca Scandurra
Lucia Fontanelli
Marianna Maruyanna
Margherita Issori
Naomi Oke & Federico Bardelli
Petra Filagrana
René Nissen
Rūta Žemčugovaitė
Silvia Marchese
Sofia Salvatori
Stefan Breit
Steffie de Gaetano & Giulia Pompilj
Stephanie Newcomb
Tina Alise Drupa & Ellie White
Toni Wagner
Tymon Hogenelst
Vittoria Rubini & Greta Biondi
Yiannis I. Andronikidis
Yvonne Billimore
Zuzanna Skurka

Download the PDF with the open call here
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As some of you may already know, Robida means "brambles" in Slovene. Brambles are the first plants to grow on abandoned land, thanks to their special propagation ability.
From an agronomic point of view, their presence is not to be considered entirely negative, as they enrich the soil and save it from degradation, protect it from erosion, and regenerate it, as in the case of land affected by fires. This invasive plant is a resource for bees during flowering time, and a source of food for wild animals during fruiting. A land covered with brambles is also very fertile, due to the huge amount of organic matter that is released in the soil.

The next step and topic of Robida magazine is therefore intimately connected to Robida’s own being – being brambles, giving care, nourishing and protecting soils.

SUOLO - PRST - SOIL is the topic of the next issue of Robida magazine, which is our particular way of nurturing and caring for it. We embrace the SOIL in all its layered complexity, which suggests to us a vast world of meanings and interpretations. For this reason, we felt the desire to modify our methodologies and usual approach to editorial work. We want to explore the topic through six categories, which brought about six small open-calls, one for each editor, suggested by our personal inclinations:

Soil as the symbolic root of culture, tradition, research and artistic practice
by Lau

Soil as a landscape of belonging, struggle and resistance, particularly through the lens of feminisms
by Vida

Soil as a category of historical and theoretical thought
by Aljaž

Soil as an element of spatial and (co)dwelling practice
by Janja

Soil as an object of geological, microbiological and climatic contamination of art
by Elena

Soil as an archive of knowledge, a tool for learning and for sensorial experimentation
by Dora

Read them on the open call all and feel which one fits you the best. If you cannot decide, don’t hesitate and write to us your proposition at