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Ajda Bračič

Rojena zgodaj zjutraj na veliki šmaren. Študirala je arhitekturo in trenutno deluje kot urednica, kuratorka in raziskovalka. Leta 2021 je ustanovila Kajžo, nevladno organizacijo, namenjeno promociji in izobraževanju na področju arhitekturne prenove. Leta 2022 je izšel njen literarni prvenec, zbirka kratkih zgodb Leteči ljudje.

Born early in the morning on the day of the Assumption of Mary. She studied architecture and works as an editor, curator and researcher. In 2021, she founded Kajža, an NGO which promotes and educates about the reuse of old buildings. In 2022, her literary debut, a collection of short stories Leteči ljudje was published.
