Radio Robida

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Marianna Dobkowska

Marianna Dobkowska is an art historian and curator of the residency program of Ujazdowski Castle CCA in Warsaw. Her practice draws from the fields of visual and performing arts, education and activism. Her curatorial works include "Re-Directing: East" seminars (2011–2020) and exhibition-meeting "Gotong Royong. Things We Do Together" (2017–2018). She edited "Things We Do Together. The Post-reader" (Mousse Publishing and Ujazdowski Castle, 2020). Together with Sebastian Cichocki, Bogna Stefańska and Jakub Depczyński she is curating "Konteksty. Postartistic Congress" (2021–). With Sebastian Cichocki convened "Postartistic Assembly" at the Gwangju Biennale (2023). Member of the Office for Postartistic Services. Lives and works in Warsaw, Poland.
