In this series Jack Bardwell will be using field recordings and other research from a month long residency with Radio Robida, to create a series of audio essays for The Other Radio project. As he attempts to articulate his fascination for radio he gets lost on a rambling walk through bee hives, bell ringing, radio history and online streaming platforms. The episodes are accompanied by a soundtrack; a digital synthesis of the three Bells that hang atop the church tower of Topolò on the Italy/Slovenia border.
The Other Radio/Radio Drugega program is financed by Javni zavod GO! 2025 - Evropska prestolnica kulture, Nova Gorica.
V tej radijski seriji bo Jack Bardwell uporabil terenske zvočne posnetke in druge raziskave iz enomesečnega bivanja pri Radiu Robida, s katerimi je ustvaril serijo zvočnih esejev za projekt Radio Drugega. Ko skuša ubesediti svoje navdušenje nad radijem, se izgubi na sprehodu med čebeljimi panji, zvonjenjem, zgodovino radija in spletnimi platformami za pretakanje. Epizode spremljajo avtorski zvočni posnetki; digitalna sinteza treh zvonov, ki krasijo vrh cerkvenega stolpa Topolovem na italijansko-slovenski meji.
Program Radia Drugega/The Other Radio financira javni zavod GO! 2025 - Evropska prestolnica kulture, Nova Gorica.
Ep. 0 Harmonious Subversion
During his radio residency for Radio Robida Jack Bardwell shares some of his research and reflections on the tradition of bell ringing and public broadcasting. In this meandering show he looks at musical re-harmonisation as both a metaphor and tangible action for subversion. A journey from interventions in bell towers by Antonio Della Marina to the music of Harmonimix.
Ep. 1 The Bells and the Bees
There is something hypnotic about the sound of a de-tuned radio, hive of bees, a running stream, the chitter chatter of a busy restaurant or the distant chime of bells. This episode explores why there is an intimacy to live radio and where else this might be found. It includes extracts from an interview with ethnomusicologist Mojca Kovačič.
Ep. 2 A Space to Conspire
An audio collage of readings and music connecting a bell ringing experience in Topolò to the conspiring/subversive nature of broadcasting spaces, the autonomist movement and punk music.
Ep. 3 Radio of Radios
A guided tour through various free-form radio stations around the world from the past to current day live-re-streams.
Ep. 4 Bells In the Storm
The final episode of Radio is a Silent Bell takes a look at bell ringing as both a form of direct action against storms and a warning to the local community. Through a collage of music, clips from broadcasts and readings the episode explores parallels with this age-old bell ringing practice and protest; specifically the encampment at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) against its ties to Isreal during the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.