Radio Robida

<< Radio Robida

Radio Robida s03e07

Radio Robida s03e07 / 28.09.2024

In addition to the regular monthly shows, this month Robida's radio session presents a lot of additional shows!

Dikle: Emigracija žen iz Nediških dolin

Raziskava, posvečena dekletom, danes že nonam, ki so odšle iz Nediških dolin, da bi služile v italijanskih mestih in v tujini.
Pripovedi in pričevanja o tem pojavu ženskega izseljevanja bomo predstavili v 4-epizodnem podkastu, ki na podlagi osebnih zgodb razmišlja o sledeh, ki jih je ta fenomen pustil v družbenem, kulturnem in ekonomskem kontekstu Nediških dolin.
Besedila, ki so jih za nas prebrala Katja Canalaz, Cecilia Blasutig, Stefania Rucli in Sara Simonicig, so nastala v sklopu raziskave, ki jo je za svojo diplomsko nalogo, posvečno diklam in ki nosi naslov Dikle iz Benečije: tiha zgodovina ženskega izseljevanja iz Furlanije Julijske krajine, opravila Marija Miorelli.

Marija Miorelli in Dora Ciccone so poskrbele za urejanje besedila.
Iole Namor je besedila prevedla v narečje, Aljaž Škrlep pa je poskrbel za snemanje in montaža epizod.

DIKLE Zgodovina spominov | Dalla memoria alla storia je projekt Inštituta za slovensko kulturo, pri katerem so sodelovali: Večstopenjska Šola Pavel Petričič, Center za kulturne raziskave, Inštitut za slovensko izobraževanje, Kulturno Društvo Ivan Trinko, Študijski center Nediža, Robida, Slovenci po Svetu, Kobilja glava in Občina Sovodnje.
Projekt je nastal s podporo Urada Vlade republike Slovenije za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu in Avtonomne pokrajine Furlanije Julijske krajine.

Broad-Casting: On Self-Organised Spaces and Learning

Broadcast seeding is a method of planting that involves scattering seeds over a relatively large area, without concern for precise spacing or depth, and especially useful for cover crops which contribute to soil erosion and maintaining biodiverse agro-ecosystems. Broad-casting* departs from this etymology (broadcast, "dispersed upon the ground by hand") and similarly seeks to cast a broad net(work) of friends, comrades, and collaborators interested in planting ideas/readings/conversations/sounds about self-organized spaces (plots) for peer-to-peer (permaculture) learning and modeling (growing) ecosystems for grounded knowledge production in opposition to the increasingly monoculture, walled gardens of higher education. The transmission, a follow up to "Radio Ven, Seremos"—a collection of text excerpts, poetry, and conversations charting ways of coming together as "guerrilla welfare"—voices responses to questions like: “Who is learning for?” “What does the university have that we want? That we don’t?” “What would a school look like built from scratch?”

Riconfigurare lo spazio con parole e suoni

Giulia Manfrin, Michele Faleschini, Anna Corai, Martina Valente, Elena Rucli, Aljaž Škrlep, Sara Marzari, Emilia Angelucci, Chiara Cristante and Camilla Vignaduzzi - situating theory together in Pordenone.

Robida x Obliquo

Meditation on Weeds with HOOOPS
w/ Lisa LoA and Lena Astarte Posch

This radio show is dedicated to the spontaneous plants often referred to as weeds. In a wonderful coincidence some members of the hooops collective found themselves in Topolo and compiled a spontaneous radio show around the topic of weeds in honour or the second issue of the Plant Magic Magazine called Weeds. Historically, weeds have been both reviled and revered, symbolizing everything from disorder and neglect to healing and nourishment. Growing through the human-made categorizations of the useful and the uncontrolled, these ambivalences are at the essence of what defines these plants as a projection surface. During the radio show texts from the magazine and from Richard Mabeys Book ‚Weeds‘ are read mixed with different soundpieces. Thanks again to Robida for the invitation!

hooops is a loose, rhizome-like research group of plant & mushroom lovers around the themes of ecology, magic and community - collecting, imagining and archiving cross-species narratives collectively. Since 2020, hooops has formed a container in Berlin for diverse formats of artistic research that move between workshop, listening, publication, and performance. hooops was founded by Elisa Pieper and Lena Astarte Posch in 2020 and works in different collaborative formation. Hooops publishes the Magazine Plant Magic and other cute things.

Lena Astarte Posch is an artist, art therapist and co-founder of hooops, an artistic research and publishing collective. Astarte works mainly with clay, forming creatures inspired by plants and monsters mostly with a sense of humor. Researching topics of ecology, dreaming, the unconscious, supernatural and a love for the weird ones.

Lisa LoA is interested to combine art and education using different formats. She experiments with stop-motion, while being fascinated by haptics and textures. This happens also in the context of media education, in which she tries to empower and help young people to find their voice. She also prints with them, using the technique of silkscreen. Astarte and Lisa and are also part of the Belladonna Nuit Show on Cashmere Radio in Berlin.

The Shadow at the Bottom of Topolò: Reading Thomas Ligotti
w/ Moritz Gansen and Robidas

Diffrakt collective visited Topolò this August. Moritz Gansen stayed here a bit longer than the other members of the collective. On his last evening, we had a calm dinner that he prepared. After dinner, we sat in front of the Old school at the end of the village, just before the beginning of the forest, with the radio equipment set, and read a short story titled “The Shadow at the Bottom of the Earth” by the American horror writer Thomas Ligotti.