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Robida 10 Launch & party

Launch of Robida 10 On correspondences
10th anniversary of Robida big party
Saturday / sabato / sobota, 10.08.2024


Join us on Saturday, August 10th, around 19, to celebrate with us the 10th anniversary of Robida magazine (which was born in a hot August of 2014, old girl she is!)
You can come to Topolò, join the activities of that day (which will also be the Academy of Margins' Summer School open day!) and have a party with us.
If you want, you can stay for the night, preferably camping :)


Raggiungeteci a Topolò, sabato 10 agosto verso le 19, per celebrare con noi il 10. compleanno di Robida magazine (nata nel caldo agosto del 2014!).
Potete salire a Topolò e partecipare agli altri eventi della giornata (che sarà anche la giornata pubblica della nostra summer school!) e festeggiare con noi.
Se volete, potete restare a dormire, magari portandovi una tenda :)


Pridita v Topolove v soboto 10. avgusta okrog 19. ure, da skupaj obeležimo desetletnico izdajanja revije Robida (revija se je rodila na topel dan avgusta 2014!).
Lahko se pridružite tudi aktivnosti, ki se bojo dogajale čez dan (sobota je tudi dan opdrtih vrat naše poletne šole!).
Če si želite, lahko ostanete čez noč tako, da si prinesete za sabo šotor!

From Robida 10 editorial → "Thinking of correspondences makes us reconsider Robida’s collectivity. When people ask us who is part of Robida, the answer is always difficult. Whom should we include in the list? There is a core team, of course. But why not also name those who contribute to it by bringing ideas, points of view, those who initiate conversations and open up new spaces for reflection and action? Robida, in the end, always built itself and grew through relations. And being in correspondence, in conversation, as a practice of self- or collective invention through relation, is what the 10th issue of Robida Magazine is all about.
We encouraged the authors to use the magazine as a pretext to establish new relationships or deepen existing ones. While writing and other creative activities can often be solitary endeavours, this year, Robida’s core purpose was decidedly tangible and hands-on: to go out there and talk, discuss, meet, write to each other, organise and create — together. “Together, to gather, to get there. To become one in many, a multitude of singularities,” as wrote Alessandra Pomarico in her text Holding Space, Together. Within the pages of Robida, you will thus find a collection of these multitudes of singularities presented in the form of conversations, interviews, letters, postcard and image exchanges, email correspondences, collaborative writings, and much more. We wish the authors got a feeling of doing something more than just contributing to a magazine. And we sincerely hope that the readers will find meaning in glimpsing into the correspondences of others, and perhaps even the urge to go out and create their own."